It’s hard to believe that it is that time of year again. The pumpkins are out and will soon be followed by turkeys and pilgrims.
It means that it is time to start planning year end items as well as getting things together for the New Year. Below is a short list of things I do at DentalPC in the fourth quarter to get ready for the New Year.
- Review where we are YTD. Now is the time we can still affect the numbers for this year. Get those year-end insurance benefits letters out! If you are going to have a final push now is the time to plan and ACT!
- Meet with the accountant. We get together early in the quarter and review the financial numbers. We budget for any year end expenditures and set our plan to minimize taxes. This gives us several months to make appropriate moves.
- Meet with leadership team and review 2015 goals and budget. We get out of the office and review our goals and set them to an annual budget for the New Year.
- Review our company one page strategic plan. We use the Gazelles plan ( from mastering the Rockefeller Habits by Verne Harnish. There are other business plan resources out there but I personally like the Gazelles plan a lot.
- This is the quarter we review our Legacy plan. For me this is a time to review insurance policies, and review our continuity plan. What happens if you are gone? It is a somber thought but life goes on for your family, friends and team members. We also look at our disaster contingency plan because many of the items are covered in our continuity plan.
I hope this year has been wonderful for you and your team. Here is to a healthy and prosperous holiday season!
Clay Archer
Owner, Dental PC