How to Series: Submitting a Ticket through the “New” DentalPC Tray Icon

October 27th, 2014

Submitting a Ticket through the DentalPC Tray Icon

We have a new Tray Icon Logo for submitting Service Tickets via your desktop. The logo represents our “Complete” offerings of services to ensure we have every aspect of your IT covered!

Tray Icons are the small icons located at the bottom right hand side of your computer. Once we have installed our monitoring software on your Computer you will see the DentalPC Tray Icon as pictured below. From there it’s simple to submit a service ticket request via your Desktop.

*This monitoring software is automatically installed on all of our Complete Care clients PC’s


3 Steps for Ticket Submission

Step 1: Once you have located the DentalPC Tray Icon on your Desktop Right or left click on your mouse on the Icon to create a service ticket.


Step 2: Complete the Service Ticket Form identifying your problem to include:

  • Your Email Address or Office Email i.e.:
  • If applicable your request should come from the computer with the problem
  • The level of Importance: Low, Normal, High, Emergency
  • Attach a screenshot if applicable
  • Complete the subject line
  • Enter your issue in the body of the email


Step 3: Send your request
You will receive an email confirming your request was received.
This email will contain the ticket # reference and subject matter of your original request with the time stamped entry.
Email Confirmation
This is a sample email confirmation. The time stamp, ticket # reference, and original request are displayed below.


After your ticket is submitted we schedule your issue to be resolved with one of our skilled technicians and upon resolution you will receive an email stating your ticket is complete.

That’s it. Pretty simple.

So next time you have an IT issue just submit a ticket through our DentalPC Tray Icon or as always you can contact us direct at (904) 443-0095 to speak to our Support Team.