You Only Have Less Than One Month Take Advantage of the Huge Tax Savings Under the Approved Section 179 Deduction.
Last year, Congress passed a substantial amendment to Section 179 of the Internal Revenue Service code allowing a significant jump in the amount of available deductions for capital purchases. The previous deduction of $25,000 for equipment purchases has been increased to $500,000.
What does this mean for your practice?
This allows you to Purchase, Lease, or Finance Computer Equipment for your business while significantly lowering the true cost of the purchase.
See the Example below from Section 179's website:
If your total equipment purchase costs add up to $30,000 assuming a 35% tax bracket, your after tax savings brings the total cost down to $19,500. That’s a cash saving of $10,500! This is huge if you want to invest back into your practice in 2015.
But you must ACT FAST! You only have until December 31st to purchase, lease, or finance your equipment.
Contact Us Today to Take Advantage of These Tax Savings Before it is Too Late!
And remember we offer in-house financing and leasing for your computer and equipment purchases making it even easier to take advantage of this end of the year tax benefit.