Why Should My Practice Get on Complete Care?

June 13th, 2017
Why Should My Practice Get on Complete Care?

Why Should My Practice Get on Complete Care?

Complete Care Program Questions

I wanted to go over some of the common objections and questions we get when clients are considering our fully managed Complete Care program. Here are the answers to your Complete Care program questions, hopefully I can answer some of the thoughts that may be going through your head as you choose a managed service provider.


This is a common objection we get when deciding to get on Complete Care. The objection is you don’t think you need that much support and it seems like overkill for your practice. That is a reasonable thought, but it leaves out some important aspects of a managed service contract. Managed service contracts are a full-service outsourcing of your IT. The purpose of your managed service provider is to proactively maintain and improve your network so you are NOT having any issues. If we do our job, your network should be HIPAA compliant, up-to-date, and running like a top. Besides the proactive maintenance of virus protection, software updates, etc, we also believe in planning for the future of technology in your office. For that reason, we do a quarterly business review with our CTO and your CEO to review what is working, what needs to be improved upon, and how can we optimize your technology to benefit your bottom line. This is our favorite part of Complete Care! Being your partner and helping your business grow!


When you hired your front desk person, you weren’t looking for that person to be your IT person, you were looking for help with your front desk duties. How much time are they spending fixing IT when they could be fulfilling the duties you hired them for? Also, when you hire a managed service provider to support your IT, you hire a team of technicians not just one person that can call out sick and leave you high and dry. It’s a common mistake that small business make, but we like the adage “do what you do best and outsource the rest!”. You are at work to treat patients, not to fix IT issues. Let us take care of that and let your staff focus on treating your patients and growing your practice.


The hourly model of IT support has gone away for many reasons. To me the most obvious is the lack of budgeting for an IT catastrophe, or proactive maintenance to avoid such catastrophe. When we provided hourly IT service, I can’t tell you how many times we had a client that hadn’t called us in years call up with a nasty virus or an aging server that failed and end up with a huge hourly bill they were not prepared to pay. It’s not only a bad situation for the client, but it never makes for a good day for our staff either. Nobody wins in that situation. Without a disaster plan in place that is constantly managed, you are opening yourself up to a security breach, and when that happens, the stress, loss of production, and hourly bills may be more than you can handle. By setting a budget that includes data protection and ongoing IT support, you know what your IT will cost all year long and don’t have to worry about losing data, production, money due to data loss.

Thank you for reviewing the answers to common Complete Care hope that helps answer why I am passionate about Complete Care. I love the partnership it helps us build with our clients and the ability to grow together using technology! If you have any more questions I did not answer here please contact us by calling us at 904.443.6046 or email us at sales@dpctechnology.com