At No Cost Or Obligation, Your Network Check Includes:
Scan for spyware, viruses, and other security threats lurking in the background that can slow down your network, cause it to crash, and even allow hackers to access your confidential information.
Diagnose slow, unstable PCs.
Validate your backups are working and check that your current disaster recovery plan would allow you to be back up and running fast in the event of a major network failure or disaster.
Perform a quick network “tune up” to make programs and files load faster.
Check your network’s current security against hacker attacks, theft, worms, viruses, and even employee sabotage.
Discuss a project or upgrade you are considering, or give you a second opinion on a quote you received.
Scan and remove spyware that is secretly stealing your company’s bandwidth, jeopardizing the efficiency of your computer system, and embezzling confidential information about you, your employees, and your business.
There are no strings attached, but you have to hurry!
In order to secure your Free Network Audit, please fill out the form below: