For Florida and Georgia Business Owners:
Free Phone Assessment Helps You Avoid
Making A Bad Decision On Your Next Phone SystemIf you’re looking for a new phone system for your office and want to avoid making an expensive mistake, our free Phone Assessment will arm you with facts and insider information you need to make the best possible choice for your specific situation.
This Free Phone Assessment Will Reveal:
- Is your current network environment (bandwidth, firewall, router, etc.) able to handle a new VoIP system? Our diagnostic process will assess your current computer network, Internet, firewall and systems to ensure a VoIP phone will work flawlessly “as is” and without additional costs or upgrades – and if those are needed, you’ll know in advance so you’re not surprised later with a big expense to make it work.
- Is it possible for you to get out of a contract for a phone system you HATE? We’ll review your current contract to see if there are ways to cancel it without paying heavy fines, penalties and early termination fees.
- Can you save money on your phone and Internet bill? It’s very common for us to save our clients between 20% and 40% by finding hidden costs they don’t need and shopping for competitive bids on these services.
- Are you losing sales and opportunities because of how the phones are answered in your office? Are prospects calling and hanging up? Are you missing calls? Would you engage more prospects and clients if they could use text to communicate? Are sales leads being captured and entered into a CRM for follow-up? Any of these things can cost you thousands of dollars in lost sales, yet most businesses NEVER audit how their phone is being answered. With your permission, we’ll conduct a “secret shop” exercise and report back details on how your customers and prospects are being handled when they call your office (you may be shocked).
Simply Fill Out The Form On This Page To Get Started!
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The Free Assessment
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We have confidence that people on the DPC team either already know how to solve a problem or they are working hard to find a solution. We feel DPC is better than other IT companies because they are proactive, not reactive. Being proactive means working ahead of a problem before it happens and less ...Read More
Dr. Niles A. Syska
DDS, The Tooth Shop on 46