Download Your DentalPC 2017 Hurricane Preparedness Checklist --> CLICK HERE!
Storms are unpredictable and their impact can devastate not only the landscape but also your dental practice Failing to have a Backup & Disaster Recovery Plan (BDR) in place can be costly. Hours or days of lost production and unrecoverable data can cause irreversible damage to your dental practice.
Last year, we provided our clients with a checklist of items to prepare for a hurricane evacuation. We've made a few updates to our checklist, so it's important for you to download your 2017 Hurricane Preparedness Checklist from DentalPC.
A few years ago, our team at DentalPC completed CompTIA Security Trustmark accreditation. During this process, we had to develop an internal disaster preparedness plan. We have modified our plan for you to include a more streamlined documented process for evacuation.
Our 2017 Hurricane Preparedness Checklist includes emergency contact information, vendor lists, equipment inventories, insurance information, evacuation protocols, and protocols/responsibilities for various lengths of downtime.
If you are a Complete Care Client, we will help you fill out the documents and provide inventories of your equipment as part of your complete care.
If you are not a Complete Care client, Avoid Being Taken After the Storm, and request your free Backup & Disaster Recovery Checkup today.
How much would losing a couple days production cost you? Can’t afford to be down for days? Then take heed to these 4 easy (but critical!) steps to make sure you never have to experience extended downtime, data loss or corruption. Take advantage of our Free Backup & Disaster Recovery Checkup to guarantee that your business could be back up and running fast in the event of a data-erasing disaster.
If you should have any questions about DentalPC's 2017 Hurricane Preparedness Checklist please feel free to contact us through our DentalPC Support Center or call us direct at (904) 443.0095.