Excel Formula Bot: How to Master Excel. Excel Bot is a powerful tool that many of us use daily for various tasks, from personal finance management to running a business. However, not everyone is an Excel expert, and sometimes you find yourself in need of a formula that's just beyond your current knowledge.
Excel Formula Bot: Your Ultimate Companion for Mastering Excel
Here are 6 Firefox features you should be using
Firefox is one of the most versatile web browsers today and its potential uses only grow with each new version. Not only is it great for casual browsing, but it also has a selection of tools that are valuable in business. Here are some of the functions you should be using in Firefox:
Firefox’s secret tweak interface
Catering to the more tech-savvy users, Firefox’s secret interface gives you a peek behind the curtain into the world of coding.
Twitter tips to boost your business
Without a doubt, social media marketing is one of the most powerful methods your business can employ to reach a wider audience. When we think of social media marketing, our thoughts immediately turn to Facebook. Yet Twitter has also become an influential tool used by numerous businesses.
Facebook marketing mistakes to avoid
Over the last few years, the number of Facebook users has been growing at an astounding pace, and many businesses are advertising on the platform to better reach and target their audiences. Yet plenty of Facebook advertisers have been burned by low engagement, high costs, and negative feedback from followers.
Boost your online presence in 4 easy ways
What do customers think of your company? Are they happy with your products? Do you have a good image online? If not, these easy tips will help you reach more customers in no time at all. Read this article to learn more.
Be seen on search results
In his book on online reputation management, Tyler Collins, a digital marketing expert for Fortune 500 companies, mentions the importance of a company’s search results that appear after pressing enter.
Using Alexa in your office
Amazon's Alexa can do more than just receive calls and messages, provide weather forecasts, play music, and control your smart devices at home. Her developers are setting her up to be a next-generation AI technology that has many features for home and office users.