I feel like we have beaten this issue like a dead horse, but it couldn't be more important. Backing up your data as frequently and as reliably as possible can - and probably will eventually for most of you - save you lots of time and heartache in the long run. Just simply having the peace of mind that your data is being backed up on a regular basis without your time and attention is worth the expense.
We are now offering our new BDR backup and disaster recovery system.. It is a great in office and remote backup option. We actually had a client that used the in office backup today to restore data that had been corrupted and it took 15 minutes to get them back where they needed to be...without this solution it could have taken days, and they would have lost at least half day's data.
The BDR backs up your office data every 15 minutes to a separate skeleton server in your office and it also sends the information to 2 remote data centers in the United States in case of a physical disaster at your office. If you want more information call us at 904.443.0095! This is a MUST HAVE for all dental offices!!
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