We are hosting our first 3 hour CE course in our New Office Location.
With this course you can expect to learn exactly what you need to do to safeguard your patients, yourself, and your practice.
Linda Harvey and Clay Archer will be presenting on the topics below.
Speaker: Linda Harvey, RDH, MS, LHRM
Linda will cover how the regulatory landscape is changing almost as rapidly as technology. HITECH and the Final Omnibus Rule are just one example. Last year, the Florida Information Privacy Act was passed; along with updates from the Board of Dentistry. Are you ready for the increased enforcement?
Speaker: Clay Archer, MBA
Clay Archer will cover what proper HIPAA Policy looks like and how that affects the technology in your practice. Topics of discussion will include properly securing your server, protecting your sensitive email, firewalls, passwords, securing guest Wi-Fi, and more. Clay will also make recommendations to help you bring your practice into compliance with HIPAA and the HITECH Act.
The Cost is $39.00 Per Attendee
Complete Care Clients can attend this event for Free
by using the COMPLETECARE promo code when registering.
Click the link below to RSVP.
If you have any questions regarding the event please contact us at (904) 443-0095
We are very excited about our first training event in our new office and hope to see you there!